Horseland-Primary-Logo-Pos-RGB (1)


Our Interschool events have around 40 different schools who come to compete.  We love supporting the younger up and coming riders and giving them the experience within a professional platform to compete, and in a fun and supportive equestrian community.  This is not a series. Ribbons 1s to 6th for each class.

Combined Training:

Horse/Rider combinations are permitted to compete in one CT class only. Run under EA Eventing Rules.  The same horse & Rider must compete in both the Jumping & Dressage.  No whips in dressage & no calling of tests (calling & whips allowed for the Primary CT35)

Primary 35 - EA Prep Test 1 + 35cm Jump

Primary 45 - Eventing Test A 45-60cm + 45cm Jump

Primary 60 - Eventing Test B 45-60cm + 60cm Jump

Primary 80 - Eventing Test B 80cm + 80cm Jump

Secondary 45 - Eventing Test A 45-60cm + 45cm Jump

Secondary 60 - Eventing Test B 45-60cm + 60cm Jump

Secondary 80 - Eventing Test B 80cm + 80cm Jump

Secondary 95 - Eventing Test B 95cm + 95cm Jump

Secondary 1* 105 - EA CCN1* Test B + 1* 105cm Jump

Secondary 2* 115 - EA CCN 2* + 2* 115cm Jump

Dressage Only:

Dressage tests will be run under current EA Dressage rules. If a horse & rider combination enters the CT, they may enter one additional dressage test.  If a horse & rider is not entering the CT they may enter two additional dressage tests at consecutive levels (ie Prelim & Novice).  Whips are permitted and tests can be called at E or B only.

Primary Prep Test 3

Primary Prelim Test 1.2

Primary Novice 2.2

Secondary Intermediate Prelim 1.2

Secondary Intermediate Novice 2.2

Secondary Senior Prelim 1.2

Secondary Senior Novice 2.2

Elementary 3.2

Medium 4.2

Advanced 5.2


  • All dressage tests are ridden in a 60m x 20m arena
  • Primary classes are open to all students currently in primary school (prep to year 6)
  • Secondary classes are open to all students currently enrolled in secondary school. Intermediate classes are for students in year 7, 8 and 9. Senior classes are for students in year 10, 11 and 12.
  • Elementary, Medium and Advanced dressage classes are open to primary and secondary students.
  • Primary CT35 and Primary Prep dressage are for children in the early years of primary school and are inexperienced riders. Please do not enter these classes if the rider is graded higher than PCAV 5 or over 10 years of age.
  • Secondary CT45 is for secondary school students who are beginner riders. Any rider who has competed higher than preliminary dressage or jumped higher than 60cm on any horse must not enter this class.
  • All riders must be accompanied by an adult.
  • No riders other than those competing are allowed to ride at the equestrian centre.
  • One rider per horse rule applies.
  • All riders must wear approved helmets and boots at all times whilst mounted.
  • Full school equestrian uniform must be worn.
  • Schools are responsible for gear check.
  • Riders to provide own bridle / saddle number.
  • Refund Policy - Prior to closing date of entries, a refund will be given less a $20 admin fee. After entries close no refunds will be paid unless a vet or medical certificate is provided. If a vet or medical certificate is provided within seven days of the event a 50% refund will be given.
  • If any event has to be cancelled, prior to it commencing, due to extreme weather or any other unforeseen reasons, entry fees will be refunded less $20 admin fee to cover costs already incurred by the organising committee. If the event has to be cancelled after it has commenced, there will be no refunds.
  • Dogs are allowed and must be leashed at all times.
  • Helmets MUST BE WORN on electric scooters and no riding on the driveway.
  • CT $69 per combination, Dressage $45 per test, Facility fee $25 per horse & Medical Levy $10

Please note late entries will be charged a late fee and only be taken if there is space in the class. We do not accept individual rider time requests.

No exclusive photographer for this event. However you do need to complete all EA  and permission from Boneo Park to attend.




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